Saturday, May 7, 2011

House Mouse Post

House Mouse Posts are strictly about building up to an amazing magical house that will one day become a reality.
The house above I like for the following reasons:
The windows look like cathedral windows.
  a. Once in Ireland I went to a house in Dublin that was a gutted out church and made into a house. It was one of the most beautiful structures I've ever set foot in. As much as I hate religion some beautiful architecture has sprung up from it and I would like to use that architecture in my house.
b. I enjoy elegant long lined architecture that echos Klimt, birch tree forests, delicate forms.

Pine Forest II (1901)
Gustav Klimt
Austrian, 1862-1918
oil on canvas
 Charles Rennie Mackintosh
 Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh (i want stained glass windows like this)

The fact that it is up in a tree with a windy staircase.
This house reminds me of the line of art nouveau design.

The lilac tree outside my apartment is starting to bloom-I plan on having not just one lilac bush at my house, but a whole lilac garden.

1 comment:

  1. love the tree house with the cathedral windows. Where is this house located?
